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Photo competition April 2009

This month's ambiguous theme, Scenes from Above, got an array of weird and wonderful interpretations from across the globe

Port of Bima, Indonesia
Sylvie Brandi: "As the ship approached the port of Bima on Sumbawa island, Indonesia. I was invited up to the bridge deck, where the junior officers were keen to practise their English on me. The ferry only stops in Bima fortnightly, and the pier below was very crowded. As we docked, the crowd surged forward to meet the lowered gangway, and swarmed on to the boat bearing aloft boxes, baskets, cases and packages of all shapes and sizes." Photograph: Sylvie Brandi/
Schueberfouer funfair, Luxembourg
Sian Hepworth: "Schueberfouer funfair in Luxembourg, from the ferris wheel. There was light everywhere, it was brilliant!" Photograph: Sian Hepworth/
Osaka, Japan
Marie Peyre: "We stumbled by chance on these teenagers taking part in a break dance competition in Osaka's main railway station, and ended up watching them for over an hour, captivated by their agility." Photograph: Marie Peyre/
Shanghai, China
Magali Mermet: "A view from my window, on the 16th floor in the heart of Shanghai. Everyday, the schoolboys and girls practised while listening to the national hymn." Photograph: Magali Mermet/
Hong Kong
James Whittaker: "I took this picture at a farewell lunch for a bunch of friends in Hong Kong. I still like going back to it and studying the little interactions going on around the table. The dim sum at Dragon Eye was terrific for 150HK$!" Photograph: James Whittaker/
Schauinsland in southern Germany
James Offer: "Schauinsland in southern Germany. I noticed this empty pram from the top of a look-out tower on the mountain and thought it looked like some surreal version of an interplanetary explorer." Photograph: James Offer/
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Emma Brennana: 'This was taken in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. On my way up to our room, I looked down and saw this heart-warming sight. Behind the scenes of a bustling city lies true life and I just had to capture it." Photograph: Emma Brennan/
Mumbai, India
Daria Wadsworth: "This photograph of clothing drying on hot sand was taken out of the window of a sleeper class carriage on a train somewhere between Mumbai and Chennai, in India." Photograph: Daria Wadsworth/
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Benjamin Arthur: "A fruit boat seller in Halong Bay, Vietnam. Those hats are by no means decorative. They protect her from the fierce sun throughout the day although they are, strangely enough, worn almost exclusively by women. Perhaps men see them as 'unmanly'." Photograph: Benjamin Arthur/
Valparaíso, Chile
Anja McCarthy: "Valparaíso, Chile, NYE. Following a mad rush to stock up on supplies and to find a space to enjoy the the New Year celebrations, we were befriended by a Chilean family with whom we shared New Year. This included lying on our backs to take it all in." Photograph: Anja McCarthy/
Celia Topping: "I took this shot in an Indian temple in Dubai during the Shiva Festival in February. I had no idea it was festival day, but rounded a corner to find thousands of people queueing to get into the temple. An amazingly colourful and unusual sight in an otherwise bland city." Photograph: Celia Topping/
New York, USA
Christopher Walker: "With the views of New York stretching out in every direction, I took a bit of time out from snapping at the views and thought the candid photo of tourists enjoying the view was slightly different from what I was taking that day." Photograph: Christopher Walker/
Kolkata, India
Ciara Leeming: "The chaos and colour of Kolkata's morning flower market, seen from the Howrah Bridge shortly after 6am. This is where the blooms which adorn the city's temples, shops, homes, vehicles and street shrines come from each day." Photograph: Ciara Leeming/
Santa Pola, Spain
Daniel Beard: "Aerial view of the Santa Pola salt lakes in Alicante, south-east Spain. The pinkness of the lakes is due to the shrimp that live in it, which they lend to the many flamingoes that migrate there for the summer months." Photograph: Daniel Beard/
Venice, Italy
Susanna Wickes: "I took the vaporetto to the tiny island of San Giorgio in Venice and found myself completely alone in the bell tower of the church there. I was able to enjoy a peaceful, tourist-free sunset over the beautiful city." Photograph: Susanna Wickes/
Las Vegas, USA
Chris Chilton: "Las Vegas, US, on the X-Scream ride at the Stratosphere Tower. These people who rode it after me got the same amazing view as I did - looking right across Las Vegas and also down through 300m of nothingness to the Strip!"

Guardian picture editor, Noni Stacey says:"This picture caught my eye above the others as it inspires wonder and fear in equal measure. It's extraordinary the way in which the car carrying the people seems suspended above the city. Even though the joyriders are secured in their seats, it scares me to imagine their journey. The fact that it is nighttime adds to the excitement of the photograph as the glittering lights of the city look beautiful and other worldly. Also, I wonder how the photographer took this image? It shows how a good photograph depends on capturing the moment."
Photograph: Chris Chilton/

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