· It's too early to get tickets as they haven't decided on the venue yet. From my experience of this year's contest in Estonia, wait until early next year and keep on checking the official website (not yet launched). Tickets for this year could only be bought from official agents in Estonia and had to include accommodation. It worked out quite expensive; the tickets alone were around £180. Don't be put off though as it is a fantastic experience.
· It's too early to get tickets, they haven't even decided on the venue yet! From my experience of this year's contest in Estonia, wait until early next year and keep on checking out the official website (not launched yet).
Tickets for this year could only be bought from a few official travel agents in Estonia and had to include accommodation. Even with the cheapest hotels, it worked out quite expensive: the tickets alone were around £180. Don't be put off though, it is a fantastic experience!
- S Ingleby