Meet the ranger

Colette Storer, wildlife ranger, Blackwood Forest

Colette Storer, wildlife ranger, Blackwood Forest
Photograph: Guardian

How did you become a wildlife ranger?

The best way to get involved in any wildlife- or land-based career is to volunteer. academic knowledge and Qualifications can get you a long way, but helping out at your local wildlife or conservation organisation is vital. Many have a very competitive volunteer base, so enthusiasm is key! Unsociable hours are inevitable (wildlife doesn't care about your tea-time), but it is very rewarding: you learn so much by meeting people out in the field.

What animal or bird were you most excited to spot in an English forest?

Wow, that's hard! I remember being amazed when I saw my first jay. Though quite common, I had never seen one and had just started taking an interest in birdwatching. The blue streak makes them a little exotic and the screeching is quite alarming, so I was caught off guard. I love that they are in Blackwood; it reminds me of how I started.

What animals do you still most want to spot?

Grey whales – despite a totally irrational phobia of cetaceans.

What equipment do you always carry?

Small binoculars and my phone – which is my camera, my ID guide, my lifeline! If you have a good spot or a quick snap, you can always go back with more equipment/bigger binoculars.

Do you have another favourite English forest?

There's a small copse, Ower Wood, in the grounds of Sparsholt where I studied. It's very dear to me as it's where I learned to identify plants and trees seriously; where I saw so many "firsts"; and where I have spent many hours with my daughter in snatched moments of peace. It's sentimental for many reasons.

Besides wildlife, what's your favourite other forest pastime?

I'm a geocacher and a bit of a Baggins: I love a good barefoot stroll through the woods (with several meal stops, of course).


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