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Share a tip on a slow travel trip – you could win a holiday voucher

Tell us about a favourite rail, road or boat trip in Europe including the UK – the best tip wins £200 towards a Coolstays break

A boat on the Canal du Midi, southern France.
A boat on the Canal du Midi, southern France. Photograph: JaySi/Getty Images

Slow travel has its origins in Italy’s slow food movement, founded in the 1980s. It has since grown to mean many different things to different people, but the ethos is about embracing the journey as much as the destination, getting off the beaten tourist path and taking the time to immerse yourself in the local food and culture.

We’d love to hear about your slow travel adventures in the UK and Europe, whether it’s a long-distance rail journey, swapping a long motorway journey for a slow meander along quiet country lanes or drifting along a canal or river.

If you have a relevant photo, do send it in – but it’s your words that will be judged for the competition.

Keep your tip to about 100 words

The best tip of the week, chosen by Tom Hall of Lonely Planet, will win a £200 voucher to stay at a Coolstays property – the company has more than 3,000 worldwide. The best tips will appear in the Guardian Travel section and website.

We’re sorry, but for legal reasons you must be a UK resident to enter this competition.

The competition closes on Monday 19 August at 9am

Have a look at our past winners and other tips

Read the terms and conditions here



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