“Conkers shining on the ground/The air is cooler…” The opening lines of a song by the band Stornaway capture the essence of autumn for children and big kids alike. In 2017, the Royal Society of Biology invited the public to vote for their favourite UK tree species – and the horse chestnut won. Now we learn that England’s tree of the year in 2015 has been felled to make way for the HS2 rail line. Trees matter – to the planet and to us. Many of the contributors to a new book, For the Love of Trees, talk of how trees help calm their minds and keep them grounded. Experiencing this connection with nature has never been more important than in the current crisis.
We’d like to hear about your tree stories – perhaps you’ve loved them since you climbed them as a child, or perhaps you’ve only started to give them any thought during lockdown. Tell us about your favourite tree and its location, why it matters to you, and, if at all possible, please supply a photo of it – though it is your words that will be judged for the competition. Keep your tip to about 100 words.
The best tip of the week, chosen by travel expert Tom Hall, will win a £200 voucher for a stay at a Sawday’s property – the company has more than 3,000 in the UK and Europe. The best tips will appear on the Guardian Travel website, and maybe the paper too.
We’re sorry, but for legal reasons you must be a UK resident to enter this competition.
If you do send photographs please ensure you are the copyright holder.
The competition closes on 27 October at 9am GMT
Have a look at our past winners and other tips
Read the terms and conditions here
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