Pub gardens on the water are a delight in the summer, particularly at the end of a boat trip or long walk. Whether it’s a bucolic pub with a lawn sloping to a gentle river, a canalside inn only accessible from the water, or a wilder setting on a Scottish island or shingle beach, please tell us about your favourite waterside pub.
Please include location details, the prices of food and drink and the pub’s website where possible, and any particularly good local food and beer served up.
Photographs are welcome but it’s the text we’ll be judging.
Send us your recommendations via GuardianWitness (including website, accommodation and prices etc, if possible).
The best tips will appear on the Guardian Travel website and may also appear in print in Guardian Travel. The winner, chosen by Tom Hall of Lonely Planet, will receive a £200 hotel voucher from, allowing you to stay in more than 260,000 places worldwide.
Submit your tip by clicking the GuardianWitness button.
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Closes Tuesday 26 June 2018, 10am BST