In a nutshell
They call it a “fully immersive” storytelling exhibition, in which visitors inhabit the worlds of Shrek and other Dreamworks characters. In practice, this means dark corridors, going from one high-octane narrator to another, with some techie bells and whistles. In theory, it suits children aged six and over, but I can’t imagine a 10-year-old getting much out of it.
Fun fact
County Hall used to be a monument to civic meaning. Ha! Now it’s full of adults in dressing-up clothes.
Best thing about it?
The 4D bus tour – it’s amazing but getting to it involves a huge amount of preamble, involving actors doing comic turns and imparting instructions. It is a virtual tour of central London and all the major Dreamworks films, complete with realistic rocking and splashes – I screamed out loud.
What about lunch?
It’s right on the South Bank, so head towards the Festival Hall, where there are plenty of reputable chains.
Exit through the gift shop?
Worse: even before reaching the shop, there is an “opportunity” to purchase a £25 photo album of your children, in Shrek and other tableaux.
Getting there
Extremely easy, five minutes’ walk from Waterloo station and tube; also riverboat options.
Value for money?
Moot point. Advance tickets are £23.40 for adults and £18.72 for kids (10% more on the door), and it lasts 90 minutes. But some bits are unforgettable. Against comparable attractions – the London Eye lasts 30 minutes and costs almost as much – it fares OK. But, in terms of the actual world, it seems a lot.
Opening times
10am to 6pm, seven days a week (
6/10. The 4D bit is mind-blowing, the buildup and comedown a bit lame. So I guess it all depends on how much you like 4D.