Houses around the world – quiz answers

Did you correctly match the styles of homes to the global cities? Check here and pick up some tips for a city break

Houses pic quiz 5
Alamo Square, San Francisco. Photograph: Alamy Photograph: Alamy

Image one: Alamo Square, San Francisco, California, US
Fancy a trip? Consider staying in the San Francisco Bay bridge, which may be recycled as an Airbnb apartment

Image two: Brightly painted houses in La Boca, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fancy a trip? Eat your way around the city with our top 10 restaurants

Image three: Gabled Dutch houses in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Fancy a trip? See this video guide to Amsterdam's canals

Image four: Buildings on the Malecón, Havana, Cuba
Fancy a trip? Visit a Cuban day spa

Image five: Favelas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fancy a trip? How to stay in the favelas

Image six: Corrugated iron houses in Reykjavik, Iceland
Fancy a trip? Singer John Grant shares his Reykjavik tips

Image seven: Shop houses in Hanoi, Vietnam
Fancy a trip? Find the best boutique budget hotels

Image eight: Royal Crescent, Bath, England
Fancy a trip? Play the part of Mr Darcy (as Marcel Theroux did)

Image nine: Trulli in Alberobello, Puglia, Italy
Fancy a trip? Our readers share their Puglia tips

Image 10: Brownstone houses in New York, US
Fancy a trip? Ideas on where to stay on a budget


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