Will Coldwell 

The best travel videos of 2013

From the biggest wave of all time to hairy clifftop shenanigans (plus a bit of comedy in the mix), we've rounded up our favourite online travel videos of the year

Honest NYC tourism commercial

It's not as if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the sun-drenched beaches, perpetually smiling locals and helicopter panning shots that make up most tourism adverts, it's just that we all know that the world isn't always quite that grand. This spoof commercial by New-York based comedy sketch group Sure Sure Sure, however, really tells it like it is. Now you shut your mouth, before I smash your taillights in!

Flight of the Frenchies

I Believe I can Fly ( flight of the frenchies). Trailer from sebastien montaz-rosset on Vimeo.

If you're still feeling a little tender from last night's soiree then look away now. This incredible film shows the stomach churning adventures of two friends as they climb, slackline and tightrope walk across mountains, gorges and skyscrapers around the world. The pair seem unable to get within 10 feet of a cliff edge without cart wheeling to the edge of it. Literally. It's like a berserk version of Man on Wire – and even if it makes you feel sick you'll want to watch it again.

Why the Germans can't get enough of English markets

These days it's hard to imagine an English Christmas without the presence of a German market. Turns out, however, that English markets may be getting pretty popular with the Germans too. Meet Angelica Eichel and Hans-Peter Osterhagen as they explain why they love to spend their Christmas at English markets (shout out to Ridley Road in Hackney, east London), and talk us through their favourite purchases: "Three lighters …one really big lighter … Lindsay Lohan phone cover, und some Rizlas." We like to imagine that English traders will be exporting their own brand of festive spirit to Germany sometime soon.

Nazaré blow up - record breaking surf in Portugal

Nazaré Blow Up from SURFPortugal Mag on Vimeo.

You may have seen the grainy footage of Brazilian surfer Carlos Burle riding "the biggest wave of all time" in October 2013, but this video offers a longer, clearer and scarier version of events. In what was very nearly a deadly day for the surfing world, Burle made history when he dropped in on a 100-foot wave in Nazaré, 75 miles north of Lisbon. Moments earlier Burle had to save his friend and fellow surfer Maya Gabeira's life after she crashed out on another huge wave, the impact of which broke her ankle and knocked her unconscious. Watching the surfers take on the breaks is an awe-inspiring sight; the waves are so big that from some angles they look as if they are actually taller than the jagged clifftop that overlooks the coastline.

Django Django WOR

Django Django - WOR from Jim Demuth on Vimeo.

In Allahabad, north India, there is a notorious sideshow ride known as the Well of Death. It's essentially a big cylinder in which daring drivers career their cars and motorbikes round and round, right up to the vertical edge. Apparently Mercury-award-winning band Django Django were kind of obsessed with these guys, and asked the Noisey music channel to make it the subject of their latest video. The fast-paced guitar riffs of WOR make a fantastic backing track to what is more like a mini-documentary about the well riders, than a conventional music video.


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