Readers’ travel tips: local adventure trips and tour guides

Whether you're mountain biking in Italy or kayaking in Thailand, local knowledge and expertise are worth their weight in gold when it comes to getting your adrenalin fix. Is there a local guide or tour company you'd recommend for a real adventure?

Sea kayaking near iceberg off Alaskan coast
Sea kayaking near icebergs off the Alaskan coast. Photograph: Mark Conlin/Alamy Photograph: Mark Conlin/Alamy

Adrenaline junkies and hardy souls, share your tips on the best adventure you've had on your travels thanks to the local guys on the ground, who have shared their knowledge, expertise and love of white knuckles.

Up for grabs is a Sprindrift 300 tent from Force Ten worth £540 and perfect for wintery expeditions. Submit your tips by clicking on the blue button and using the text tab. Try and include as much detail as possible – location, website address etc – and feel free to add a photo if you own the copyright to it, but it will be the text we're judging! Your tip should be around 100 words. Terms and conditions.

Closes 15 January 2014 at 6am GMT

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