Benji Lanyado 

Coming soon – TwiTrip to Manchester

Next Wednesday Benji Lanyado is heading to Manchester armed only with a mobile phone – and ready to go wherever the best of your tweets take him

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Over the last year and a bit, our TwiTrips have frolicked and gambolled their user-generated way across England, from transvestite cabarets in Blackpool to genteel picnics on Oxford college lawns. The format is simple ... we arrive in a city, without a plan. Requests are thrown into the Twitter ether, and our every move is dictated by what comes back. 

And this time, it's personal. My destination is Manchester, my home for three years in my student days. But I'll be honest: I did what most students did, and spent the lion's share of my time loitering around Fallowfield (epicentre of Manchester's student population), save for the occasional drunken foray into town. I could tell you, with some authority, that Raj's on Wilmslow Road, ably marshalled by Colin and Paz, serves one of the finest chicken kebabs in all the land (grilled tandoori, mango sauce, sweet red onions), and that the Queen of Hearts pub has smelled of Red Bull and vomit for the majority of this decade. But as for really getting under the skin of the city... well, I didn't. 

So I'm appealing to the good people of Manchester to give me a second chance. I failed you once, and I'm determined not to do it again. This Wednesday I'm at your mercy. 

• You can follow Benji's progress live on the site on Wednesday. In the meantime, he's at @benjilanyado, and is looking for a hotel recommendation. Thanks in advance. 


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