Benji Lanyado 

New starts, new sites

We take a brief look at a handful of new travel sites that have recently emerged, and announce a little start-up of our own hotel matchmaking in action. ... hotel matchmaking in action. Photograph: Public Domain

In this week's Travelink Roundup we're having a look at seven new travel start-ups, from hotel matchmaking sites to a new project that will let you write your own guidebooks, and then get paid for them. We're also pleased to announce a little start-up of our own, the Guardian Green Travel Guide, which will be launched in a few weeks time. Scroll to the end of the round-up, where you'll find details of the launch event.

Blog central
• Think of the first relationship you ever had. At first, things are a little muddled; there's an underlying sense of excitement, and you don't quite know what to do or where to put your hands, but eventually you work it out. Such is The Bloggers Guide, a sort of blog aggregator site that collects lots of of travel blogs and puts them in one place. There's a fair splattering of chaff in there, but a light browse will yield the good stuff, such as this literary tour of DUMBO. We're slightly worried, however, that it will break our hearts, and/or tell everyone that we are rubbish kissers.

Hotel matchmaking
• Continuing on the not-tenuous-at-all romantic theme, is a brand new site that has merged the worlds of hotel search and online dating. Users begin by answering a series of questions about their hotel preferences (the questions seem remarkably similar, but bear with them). After that, some sort of algorithmic matrix (or something) works out your closest hotel "matches" in various cities, and allows you to stipulate price limits. Which is something you definitely can't do on dating sites.

Guidebook writing
• According to lots of clever people, guidebooks should already be decomposing in the dustbin of history, along with tamagotchis and "curtains" hair-cuts. But no, there they still are, weighing down rucksacks and refusing to die. Good luck to them. (no relation to the above, weirdly) is a new site that lists oodles of different travel guides for various destinations, and also adds a bit of a twist - if you fancy knocking up some travel wisdom yourself, GuideGecko will publish your guide, and pay you each time it is downloaded.

Pampering community
• The Wahanda community is starting to gather pace. Launched last year, the site is a community-style directory of spas, wellness centres and pampering havens across the UK. No longer wet behind the ears, presumably because of some kind of Ayuverdic aural treatment (guffaw!), there are now hundreds of user-written reviews on the site, and lots of deals too.

Learn the lingo is a very easy to use new site created to help travellers find language schools across the continent. The destinations range from Italian classes next to the Piazza Cavalieri in Pisa to Russian courses in Riga, and allows users to quickly arrange corresponding accommodation in all locations. If the Irish police force had known about this, they would never have got themselves into this pickle.

Group travel
• Ever tried to organise a holiday, only to find that embarking on a 13-year quantum theory course would have been easier? feels your pain, and has entered into the market thusly: the site allows users to suggest an event, get their friends to commit, and then collect of the share before using a "virtual" MasterCard to book everything.

Cut 'n' paste guides
Offbeat Guides are another example of the guidebook fighting back, just when you think they're on their way out. A bit like Rocky. The site lets users customise guides (which can be downloaded as PDFs or ordered in glossy print) to over 30,000 destinations, with information collated from across the web, including events listings tailored around your travel dates.

The Guardian Green Travel Guide

To celebrate the publication of The Guardian Green Travel Guide, Guardian Books will be hosting a launch at Stanfords travel bookshop, chaired by green travel advocate Alastair Sawday. Come and hear a panel of distinguished guests discuss the complex issues surrounding sustainable travel and tourism, and whether ethical travel really has to cost more.

To buy the Guardian Green Travel Guide for £10 (rrp £16.99) with free UK p&p visit the Guardian Bookshop


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