What will they come up with next? Hot on the heels of pet-friendly properties and hotel rooms for allergy sufferers come an oxygen-rich hotel in Peru and no-snoring rooms in a new chain of British budget hotels. It's not all just marketing either - the Hotel Monasterio in the former Inca capital of Cuzco in Peru, which lies at 11,000 feet, pipes oxygen into the rooms to banish symptoms of altitude sickness. The theory, tested in the Chilean Andes and in a research station in California, is that by oxygenating the body at night, the results last throughout the next day.
Raising oxygen levels in the air from 21 per cent to 24 per cent doesn't come cheap though - a double room at the Orient-Express property, member of Leading Hotels of the World (0800 181123; www.lhw.com), costs £180 with breakfast. But that beats wearing an oxygen mask to counteract the irritability and insomnia of altitude sickness.
Back at home, irritability and insomnia is more often caused by a partner's snores and the newly launched Innkeeper's Lodges (0870 243 0500; www.innkeeperslodge.com) across the UK have five 'no-snoring rooms' in each property. A gimmick? Perhaps, but the hotel group claims that the throat spray called Helps Stop Snoring they provide in what are otherwise ordinary hotel rooms is effective. And at £42.50 a room, it's not going to break the bank to see if it works. If there's enough demand, the chain of 50, whose hotels range from Georgian mansions to coaching inns, will ship in more supplies of the spray.
Meanwhile, allergy sufferers can breathe easily at the Fairmont Vancouver Airport hotel (020 7025 1625; www.fairmont.com), where a whole floor of 42 rooms has low-allergen content - artificial pillows and duvets, air filters and no nuts in the minibars. Rooms cost £69.